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46 size EP/GP

 YAK-9  &  YAK-1           (46 size - scale warbird category)

From fall of 1942  Yak-9 fighter were in action on all fronts of the Soviet – Germany war. Yak-9 fighter were in service with the Soviet Air Force and Free French "Normandia-Neman" regiment. During 1942-1945 the fighter was produced in great numbers.

Many Soviet aces with their Yak-9 aircraft have beaten the Nazis. Among them were distinguished pilot twice Hero of the Soviet Union: A.Vorozheikin (52 victorie ), A Koldunov (46 victories), and French Pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union M. Albert (23 victories).

In total 15.470 Yak-9 fighters in 15 types and modifications were built

- Fully covered in weathered detail
- All balsa and lite-ply construction
- Fiberglass cowling
- Hand painted pilot
- Control surfaces pre-hinged and installed

- Wingspan: 1520mm (59.8in.)
- Fuselage: 1237mm (48.7inc)
- Weight: 2.7kg- 2.9 kg
- Engine req: .46-50 (2 stroke)  /  .70 (4 stroke)
- Electric motor :Boost 40
- Battery :3700 - 14.8V
- Radio req: 5 channel w/6 servos

- Wheels.
- Servo trays.
- Engine mounts.
- Fuel tank.
- Fiberglass cowling.
- Spinner.
- Decals and all hardware.
- Pilot doll-

- Electric Retracts with struts : VQ-ARE04
- Mechanical Retracts : VQ-AR04

Does not include: radio, motor, glue, and silicon fuel line

Product code :  VQA054 (YAK-1)      VQA055 (YAK-9)      


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